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Optimizing Electrospray Ionization (ESI) source parameters can significantly enhance sensitivity and reproducibility in LC-MS analysis. Here are key factors to consider:

  1. Capillary Voltage (Ionization Potential) :
    • Too low: Poor ionization efficiency.
    • Too high: Can cause ion fragmentation and signal loss.
    • Recommended range: 3–5 kV (positive mode), -2.5 to -4 kV (negative mode).
  2. Nebulizer Gas Pressure (e.g., Nitrogen ):
    • Controls droplet formation at the ESI source.
    • Low pressure → Larger droplets, less efficient ionization.
    • High pressure → Small droplets, better desolvation but possible ion suppression.
    • Recommended range: 20–60 psi.
  3. Desolvation Temperature:
    • Higher temperature aids solvent evaporation and ionization efficiency.
    • Too high can degrade thermally unstable compounds.
    • Recommended range: 250–450°C.
  4. Flow Rate of Mobile Phase:
    • Lower flow rates (e.g., 0.1–0.3 mL/min) improve ESI efficiency.
    • High flow rates may require a split or post-column modifications.
  5. Solvent Composition:
    • Increase organic content (e.g., acetonitrile, methanol) for better ionization in positive mode.
    • Formic acid (0.1%) or ammonium acetate enhances protonation in positive mode.
    • Ammonium hydroxide can improve deprotonation in negative mode.

To ensure accurate mass calibration and sensitivity optimization, using high-quality LC-MS Calibration Standards is essential.
